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Dev Logs
Latest post - 5/9/2022, 12:44 AM
today i worked on the level design of the first area. its harder than i thought it would be. i have all of these abilities in-mind, some of them added (attacking L and R, shotgun jump, magnet pull, a bunch of upgrade modules, etc.), but its hard to make early-game unique. the red line is the path where the player doesnt have the attacking upgrade yet, then the orange line opens up once they get the attack. they gain the ability to break pieces of terrain in-order to backtrack.
today i did a bunch of respriting, reorganizing project folders, fixing some bad code / hardcoded values and a bunch of QoL stuff for future me. still working on getting the HD text with pixelated everything else. some of the values gave me grief today, but i think i got it worked out for the most part.
i got the rooms working entirely with the camera. the old way i did it was... janky? the player only has one hitbox now (previously had one for collision, one for damage, and a 1x1 hitbox for which room they were in). the problem with this was that you could exist in two rooms at once, which meant that if you walked into a new room to pan the camera, you could walk back into the old room without ever leaving the first. this meant that the camera wouldn't pan back, so it would break. got it all fixed though. :)
still porting it to godot 4. working on camera / room interactions.
been busy the past few days, but today ive been trying to transition junko from godot 3 to godot 4 beta. the tilemap system is far, far better. hopefully i dont have to end up using LDtk at all? godot 3's tilemap system was considered the worst for a long time, but 4's seems like it might be better than all of the rest of the engines.
Continued working with LDtk today. there's still some problems with it that i have to fix myself. the godot import tool is lacking. When it imports, it just imports the scene itself (which doesnt include room boundaries, either of my cameras, junko himself, any enemies, animationplayers or audioplayers), so im going to try to add them. i also made some storyline choices and made the sprite for a lore item
Managed to get the Godot LDtk importer working. I tried using this many months ago, and it wasn't in a usable state (it stored each tile as its own node, which gets very laggy with millions of tiles). The dev updated it a few months ago so now it's stored as a TileMap
node, which is far more efficient.
The importer had a bug, but I ended up forking it, fixing it and then I made a pull request.
LDtk is a super powerful tool, and im very happy its in a working state. i would prefer to use this over godot's built-in editor any day
its been a bit since ive worked on junko, but i added a few sprites for the enemies and began refactoring some old code in order to make it more concise.
brass monk(ey) that funky monk(ey) brass monk(ey) junkie that funky monk(ey)
working on the sprite for a monk enemy
just been messing with weight, gravity and movement for the past few days. trying to make junko feel like a big brass robot while still having enjoyable controls
with the merger its... merged
now junko can shorthop
made some demo enemies and the basic shotgun jump with the recursive bullets addon. i still need to spice it up with animations, particles and other fancies
spent most of the day fixing some poor scene hiearchy problems. i then made a spike tilemap
made some real simple ash/snow particles to go along with the grass wind, and reworked the shader code to make the wind from a singleton (originally each grass had its own wind value)
got the grass shader working
did logo that im happy with
started work on a main menu. super basic but at least its something
spent all day working on grass shaders, and i wasnt happy with how it looked so i just scrapped it. i need to rewrite it all eventually, but nothing to show for now 🤪
barely did anything today, made some concept art for the terminal, where you'll be able to disable and enable modules
but admittedly, i am progressing!
polishing up a lot of the menus. first is a pause menu, second is the inventory, third is the shop
had 0 time again today :( just kept working on the menus. trying to add a pause menu, an inventory, and i want to revamp the shop a little bit. not a fan of the big bulky font. hopefully i can do more tomorrow.
oop i forgot to post and im already in bed. just worked on a background tilemap. ill send a photo tomorrow when i have more progress
finished off the functionality of the menu. now you can actually purchase things, and its added to your inventory (which you cant access yet). now i just need to give it the juice by giving it some fancy animations, sound effects, and some details around the edges :)
junko moment
barely any progress because work, but 30 minutes a day for a month adds up. just more spritework. this is most of what i did today
spent the time i had today trying to make my color palette smaller. currently im using 14 colors for the first world. might try to shrink it to 12, or increase it to 16. not sure yet
spent the time i had today trying to make my color palette smaller. currently im using 14 colors for the first world. might try to shrink it to 12, or increase it to 16. not sure yet
i made a sprite map. original concepts, i certainly did NOT take any inspiration from!
Junko - Projects - DevLUp
today i worked on the level design of the first area. its harder than i thought it would be. i have all of these abilities in-mind, some of them added (attacking L and R, shotgun jump, magnet pull, a bunch of upgrade modules, etc.), but its hard to make early-game unique. the red line is the path where the player doesnt have the attacking upgrade yet, then the orange line opens up once they get the attack. they gain the ability to break pieces of terrain in-order to backtrack.
today i did a bunch of respriting, reorganizing project folders, fixing some bad code / hardcoded values and a bunch of QoL stuff for future me. still working on getting the HD text with pixelated everything else. some of the values gave me grief today, but i think i got it worked out for the most part.
i got the rooms working entirely with the camera. the old way i did it was... janky? the player only has one hitbox now (previously had one for collision, one for damage, and a 1x1 hitbox for which room they were in). the problem with this was that you could exist in two rooms at once, which meant that if you walked into a new room to pan the camera, you could walk back into the old room without ever leaving the first. this meant that the camera wouldn't pan back, so it would break. got it all fixed though. :)
still porting it to godot 4. working on camera / room interactions.
been busy the past few days, but today ive been trying to transition junko from godot 3 to godot 4 beta. the tilemap system is far, far better. hopefully i dont have to end up using LDtk at all? godot 3's tilemap system was considered the worst for a long time, but 4's seems like it might be better than all of the rest of the engines.
Continued working with LDtk today. there's still some problems with it that i have to fix myself. the godot import tool is lacking. When it imports, it just imports the scene itself (which doesnt include room boundaries, either of my cameras, junko himself, any enemies, animationplayers or audioplayers), so im going to try to add them. i also made some storyline choices and made the sprite for a lore item
Managed to get the Godot LDtk importer working. I tried using this many months ago, and it wasn't in a usable state (it stored each tile as its own node, which gets very laggy with millions of tiles). The dev updated it a few months ago so now it's stored as a TileMap
node, which is far more efficient.
The importer had a bug, but I ended up forking it, fixing it and then I made a pull request.
LDtk is a super powerful tool, and im very happy its in a working state. i would prefer to use this over godot's built-in editor any day
its been a bit since ive worked on junko, but i added a few sprites for the enemies and began refactoring some old code in order to make it more concise.
brass monk(ey) that funky monk(ey) brass monk(ey) junkie that funky monk(ey)
working on the sprite for a monk enemy
just been messing with weight, gravity and movement for the past few days. trying to make junko feel like a big brass robot while still having enjoyable controls
made some demo enemies and the basic shotgun jump with the recursive bullets addon. i still need to spice it up with animations, particles and other fancies
spent most of the day fixing some poor scene hiearchy problems. i then made a spike tilemap
made some real simple ash/snow particles to go along with the grass wind, and reworked the shader code to make the wind from a singleton (originally each grass had its own wind value)
started work on a main menu. super basic but at least its something
spent all day working on grass shaders, and i wasnt happy with how it looked so i just scrapped it. i need to rewrite it all eventually, but nothing to show for now 🤪
barely did anything today, made some concept art for the terminal, where you'll be able to disable and enable modules
polishing up a lot of the menus. first is a pause menu, second is the inventory, third is the shop
had 0 time again today :( just kept working on the menus. trying to add a pause menu, an inventory, and i want to revamp the shop a little bit. not a fan of the big bulky font. hopefully i can do more tomorrow.
oop i forgot to post and im already in bed. just worked on a background tilemap. ill send a photo tomorrow when i have more progress
finished off the functionality of the menu. now you can actually purchase things, and its added to your inventory (which you cant access yet). now i just need to give it the juice by giving it some fancy animations, sound effects, and some details around the edges :)
barely any progress because work, but 30 minutes a day for a month adds up. just more spritework. this is most of what i did today
spent the time i had today trying to make my color palette smaller. currently im using 14 colors for the first world. might try to shrink it to 12, or increase it to 16. not sure yet
spent the time i had today trying to make my color palette smaller. currently im using 14 colors for the first world. might try to shrink it to 12, or increase it to 16. not sure yet
i made a sprite map. original concepts, i certainly did NOT take any inspiration from!